Over Frying The Fried Liver Attack 1

Over Frying The Fried Liver Attack 1

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 Who likes Fried liver? Definitely not me I hate fried liver in chess and real life. You know how bad the fried liver can be when you get it played against you. But no matter how hard or impossible it may seem for there to be a defense there is one.

Karel (Charles) Traxler invented a solution for the fried liver Attack. It is called the counter-traxler attack. Heres the story (it is on a chessboard).

Well any ways thats the story. Now the moves we are looking at are takes the bait (bishop) And when he does not take. Now lets begin the lesson now.

So you maybe wondering how I got there. So here are the moves e4 e5 nf3 nc6 bc4 nf6 ng5 bc5 nxf7 bxf2+. If white has no idea what is going, this variation can really crush white. After that white has 2 moves we are looking at. The moves are kxf2 and ke2.

Now if he takes here are the moves you should play.

Now after that there are two moves Kg1 and Kf1 that we are looking at. The best move is kg1. But we will look at both basically same thing.

In this position there are a few interesting ideas for black to attack white.

  • Black can attack white by checkmate threats either using Qf6 and/or Qh4
  • If white defends with something like Qf1 or Qg3 black can bring his rook to the king side getting an open file.
    Heres a board example
  • The first variation is going to be a huge battle.
    Well thats it. Bye