Stunning the Opponent | Part 2 - Some Unusual Mates and Moves
Welcome to my 2nd Part!

Stunning the Opponent | Part 2 - Some Unusual Mates and Moves

| 14

Hey guys!

Welcome to this blog! I am writing after a short break mainly due to sickness and Covid. So today we are gonna see some very rare moves and mates that we don't observe much in daily life. Today we are going to discuss the art of "Mastering Moves & Mates!", a phrase that I made up on my owntongue.png. Well, so let's dive in!

#1 @I_am_the_CHAMPION123 vs @Tonetti79

This is a very wonderful and an instructive game that I played as white and crushed my opponent in 13 moves! Woah! That's a wonderful feat!

The game was simple, he missed a simple tactic which I call the "unusual move" followed by a classy mate that we don't observe much in life. So, let's see it!

What a beauty is it! This simple tactic lead to a very comfortable and easy win! Let's check the next game!

#2 @harshivrana vs Me

This is the second game where I played black and went on to win in a crazy fashion in just 15 moves! It all started with a crazy checkmate which I spotted before hand and executed like a PRO. It was really funny to see the checkmate happening and the opponent just resigned before the mate! I hope you enjoy this!

Enjoyed the tactic? Let's move to the next one!

#3 @I_am_the_CHAMPION123 vs @insatiable27

I was white in the game again, but I lost the game due to time trouble, I just blew my winning position. At first I didn't wanted to show this game since I lost, but I played a mind blowing queen sacrifice which I think needs to be shown - 

I was pretty much winning the whole game, but the time trouble can never be predicted, right?

So that was all for today, I showed you all 3 fantastic games which were worth the effort and I hope you enjoyed the blog!

Do share it with your friends and do leave a comment below to tell and also to suggest the title of the next blog!

See ya soon!



P.S - @LightningChess21 opened back his account! I am so glad! I thought he had left us forever!