Strong Chess Openings:Caro-Kann Defence!

Strong Chess Openings:Caro-Kann Defence!

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Hello! In this blog, I will be talking about the Caro-Kann Defence! I hope you enjoy! Tell me below in the comment section for more opening blog ideas! Enjoy!

The Caro-Kann is named after chess player Horatio Caro and Austrian player, Marcus Kann. Kann scored an incredible 24-move game win with the Caro-Kann against a German-British champion!

All chess openings,(apart from the Bongcloud), have variations. The Caro-Kann is no different. There are the: Classical and Modern Variations, 

...the Exchange Variation,

...and the Advance Variation.

These are the 3 main variations of this opening. 

Other Lines: 2.c4, the Accelerated Panov Attack, is an effective move for White. Black will probably play 2...d5 (see 1.e4 c6 2.c4 d5). This can transpose to the Panov–Botvinnik (B14, given above, with 3.exd5 cxd5 4.d4) or Caro–Kann (B10, with the double capture on d5). Alternatively, Black may play 2...e5, the Open Variation (see 1.e4 c6 2.c4 e5). The 2.c4 line can also arise by transposition from the English Opening: 1.c4 c6 2.e4.

The Hillbilly Attack,[11][12] 1.e4 c6 2.Bc4?!, is most often played by weaker players unfamiliar with the Caro–Kann Defence. If 2...d5 3.exd5 cxd5, Black has simply gained a tempo on the bishop. Nevertheless, GM Simon Williams has experimented with this move, following it up by gambiting the pawn with 2...d5 3.Bb3!?[13]

Other lines are ineffective or doubtful. These include 2.d3, the Breyer Variation; 2.b3, the Euwe Attack; 2.b4, the Labahn Attack; 2.g4, the Spike Variation, and 2.Ne2: the Bohemian Attack.

White's response to the Caro-Kann, on the 3rd move can keep win /loss/ draw chances with d4 or Nc3,  or increase draw chances with c3. The worst response by white to the Caro-Kann defence is g3.

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