Road to 2500 - Day 11 - English Opening, Knight Power
Yesterday was the first day after the Olympiad Expo Classic tourney in which I participated in the last 10 days and got 4th place.
I was teaching 5 hours and had only time for 1 game on my road to 2500.
I fianchettoed my bishop against the English opening and gave up my bishop for his c3 knight to create double-isolated pawns. Later I was able to win the c4 pawn, but he got a strong attack on the kingside. I allowed him a strong attack which he did not use and then I was able to block it and put my 2 knight on great outposts on e5 and c4 and penetrated on the queenside to win the game.
You can watch how I played and streamed the game:
I created a few training exercises from the game:
You can replay the game with my comments:
Yesterday I won 7 points.
Starting rating: 2423
Current rating: 2452
Total change: +29
Change in 7 days: +12
Would you like to improve your chess?
I will do my best to help you.
You can read about my coaching in this article when I was coach of the month on chess.com: https://www.chess.com/article/view/coach-of-the-month-im-attila-turzo
You can visit my webpage to read student testimonials at https://attilaturzo.com/