I have been playing chess since I was 8 years old and I have always had a passion for the game. I have to play in moderation due to the fact I could play 24/7 if my schedule allowed. I will say this site makes it very hard to play in moderation:-> My favorite opening for white is the Queen's Gambit. I'm very comfortable with all variations of this game and have had a great deal of success with it over the years. Off black I like the Sicilian, Reti system, and every once in a while some risky gambit defenses. My goal is to get more comfortable with King-pawn openings e.g. Ruy Lopez, Giuoco Piano, etc....
The beer lovers
The beer lovers ২৭ জন সদস্য
The Meeting Place
The Meeting Place ১৭ জন সদস্য