Started chess 4 years ago but havent played in 2. Theres more importent things in life. Love all mi BFFs, Aunt Miriam n Patti, Hollister, my cigarettes, meetme, J.B., pace picante sauce, my synagogue, forsyth park, cherryvanilla pepsi, da beach. Aka PortzPrincess at fics. Am going to study chemistry or physics when i goto college. Was voted SweetheartQueen Feb2012 for WChathm Mid.School. Am leader of JewishYouth for Interfaith Outrach program at BnaiBrith. Update 12/31/12: I decided I am leaving chess for good as a new year resolution. I play the correspondence sumtimes but thats too slow for even me. Problm is the other 99% of chess doesnt care about the game position, they only care about abusing the clock n getting cheap ratings points for losing the position. Its sad. Its relly not a thinking game at all like i had hoped.
Beast Team
Beast Team ২৪ জন সদস্য
Tottenham Hotspur FC.
Tottenham Hotspur FC. ৩,৩৪১ জন সদস্য
Ultimate Tournament Group
Ultimate Tournament Group ৫৫ জন সদস্য
Empire of Chess WK
Empire of Chess WK ৭৯ জন সদস্য
Global Teens
Global Teens ১,০২৩ জন সদস্য