
I'm here to play chess and have fun. Not to argue with you. And not to find a future husband. I am good at throwing my socks at mosquitos. If you annoy me (send rude messages, or more than 1 friend request), I'll have to do the same to you. If we have never talked or played before, and you send me a friend request, I will regard it as an accidental request and press the X button. They say that the mouse button is designed to work for a certain number of clicks. So do it a favor. Don't waste a click on me 😂😂👩

פטפטת כחול לבן
פטפטת כחול לבן ৩৩ জন সদস্য
סגידה לאלברט
סגידה לאלברט ১২ জন সদস্য
Cross Cultural Girls Chess Club
Cross Cultural Girls Chess Club ৪৭৩ জন সদস্য
ישראלים בלבד
ישראלים בלבד ২৬ জন সদস্য