I am the cat that curiosity NEVER killed, "can't hold me down, can't hold me back" Rapture Ruckus' Volcano. "I may seem all soft and carefree on the outside, but on the inside I am careful and caring, so watch who you hurt"- Me "I'm seventeen and crazy, that's what my uncle always says to say" Farenheit 451. So I'm seventeen and crazy :P
The Markses
The Markses ৯৭ জন সদস্য
Christian Homeschool Team
Christian Homeschool Team ৩২৩ জন সদস্য
58190 ১ জন সদস্য
Young poets n authors (teenagers' bureau)
Young poets n authors (teenagers' bureau) ১১৬ জন সদস্য
AB2C ৫৩ জন সদস্য