Promote to Knight
Hello!!!! We would like to invite you to join Promote to Knight.
Do you want to improve at chess? Would you like to talk to people who have a rating higher than 2000? If your answer is yes in any of the questions I asked, then this might be the club for you.
Here we do lots of uncommon things in this club such as daily post of the day, tournament of the week, month, and day, prizes like cord for a day or for a month, and more!! This club has nice and clam people in the club. If you notice someone who is behaving badly, the staffs of the club will respond and might mute the person who is behaving badly. Also if you are doing good you might get cord or admin or even SA. For all tournaments there will be prizes such as coins and medals. If join lots of tournaments in our club, you might even get admin for helping your club.
reasons why you should join:
1. You can improve at the game when you join
2. You can talk to members in the club if you have trouble with something
3. We have forums, daily matches, vote chess matches and more!
4. We have uncommon things that you will like
5. We are friendly and there are NO trolls in our club
Owner - @animalsnackmind
We also have a titled player in our club! His name is CM @ATM-622