Encontre um Clube de Xadrez

American Group
This is a group for the Americans of chess.com. We're playing many vote chess games and team matches, and more are always starting. This team is op...
Opening '64 - Besloten
Dit is de besloten versie van de Opening '64 schaakclub op chess.com. Naast deze besloten club heeft Opening '64 ook nog een publieke (openbare) cl...
The Language Kingdom
Welcome to the Language Kingdom. We are dedicated in celebrating diversity and playing chess along the way. Our forums are stacked with rows on how...
우주 클럽
제가 직접 만든 클럽으로 여러 잡담을 나눌 수 있습니다. 대화 클럽 회원이라면 선착 4명은 슈관이고, 나머지는 관리자!!
Chỉ có thể ở Việt Nam
Well, chào mừng bạn đã đến đây. Đây là nơi mà những người yêu meme và thích chơi cờ thì bạn đến đúng nơi rồi đấy. Đây là club dành cho những người ...
Mifan Chess
Welcome to Mifan Chess, Mifan School's Chess Club.     
Stockfish Free Chess Engine
Stockfish is a free and open-source chess engine, available for various desktop and mobile platforms. It is developed by Marco Costalba, Joona Kiis...
Chess University - Ukraine
Chess University Affiliate Club for residents of Ukraine who wish to improve at chess. This club serves to help the local chess community organize ...
Hola, espero te encuentres bien. Queremos invitarte a que formes parte de nuestro equipo. Representamos al Club Atlético Platense (el marrón, el c...
Team Norway
Bli med i Team Norway som har representert Norge i Europaligaen og Verdensligaen siden 2008! Delta i interne turneringer og spill online, vote ches...
Croatian Chess Temple
Ovo je tim za Hrvate iz cijeloga svijeta i njihove prijatelje! ** This is a team for Croatians from all over the world and for their friends! **
Fortaleza Chess
🌟 **Junte-se ao Nosso clube de xadrez de Fortaleza ! 🌟Você é apaixonado por xadrez? Junte-se a nós no Clube de Fortaleza! 🏰♟️ - 🏆 Torneios emocio...
Pogoń Pieski
Klub do nauki gry w szachy Jesteśmy powiązani z klubem Pogoń Pieski II, czyli z naszymi rezerwami! When you want, you can go to reserves! The r...
Premium Members
We extend a heartfelt welcome to each and every one of you, dear chess friends.You must have a gold, platinum, or diamond membership, a FIDE titl...
The World Explorers
Hi! Hola! Bonjour! Privyet! Zdravo! Namaste! Welcome to The World Explorers! Do you want to be a part of an active and wonderful club? Then come ...
Man's Best Friend
For those who understand and appreciate the Greatness of Dogs.  A Dog avatar is required.  
Japan Chess Federation
このクラブは、日本国内で活動するプレーヤー、もしくは日本チェス国籍をもつプレーヤーのための日本公式クラブです。2019年より日本チェス界を統括・代表する唯一の団体日本チェス連盟 (Japan Chess Federation) に認知されています。日本と繋がりのあるチェスプレーヤーや愛好家が集...
Welcome to chesscottstreet.com!
http://www.imotorhead.com/ For all the fans worldwide with love, enjoy our chess team and have fun friends!