Search Results for "blindfold"

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Blindfold Chess
Improve your visualization skills and your chess in general with some blindfold chess! Here's a good blog about the benefits of blindfold chess: ht...
BlindFold Chess Players
Blindfold chess (also known as sans voir) is a form of chess play wherein the players do not see the positions of the pieces or touch them. This fo...
125 Blindfold club
Group for anyone who wants to play blindfold chess and improve their calculation.
Blindfold practise
This is a group for people to find partners to practise blindfold play. Playing the matches unrated is recommended as no guarantees can be made abo...
Blindfold Variant
Welcome to Chess Blindfold Variant Play without being able to see any of the pieces! The mouse cursor changes when over a piece you can move. Clic...
the Blindfold chess players
This group is for people that want to play blindfolded chess without being at a huge disadvantage. we orginize blindfold tournaments, play blindfol...
Blindfold chess club
I am creating this club to help weak players like my self learn blindfold chess. My plan is for members to friend request each other (so that they ...