Hello everyone, My name is Nghia, I'm 11 years old. I live in TP.HCM. I'm playing chess for more 4 years.I'm a communism lover, I love communism country and my country, Vietnam. And Hoang Sa and Truong Sa belong to Vietnam, it's not belong to China!!
If you are a cali, I will go to your house and explode your house and your life!!!!
When Vietnam is defeat French, USA went to Vietnam and kill lots lof people, Ngo Dinh Diem is the one . But he die when he go up to a military car, FBI shoot a bullet to him and he die at that moment and all the people in car laugh.
I'm a grade 6 student if you want to ask me more you can invive friend with me!!!
My birthday is in the twenty-second of January and it's so soon!
My goal now is 1500 elo in bullet, blitz, rapid !!!!
And this is my club:
Please join my club, it will help you your chess skill !!
and its won't make you disappointed
Các bạn vô CLB của mình ở đây!
Thanks for watching!
Blitz elo:1146 X
Bullet elo:1430 (90% progress)
Rapid elo: 1130 X