
610 Total Puzzle Duel Streak! Going to Win 7000 Total by November

IMPORTANT!  Something very very VERY special will happen on December 19th

I'm ChessWhizz9, yeah that guy

I am a mastermind on chess personality Tell me you're not persuaded by this... 

As a former reigning champion of ChessKid puzzle duels, I have proven time and time again that I am still the king of this intellectual sport. My strategic thinking and problem-solving skills have allowed me to outmaneuver my opponents and emerge victorious in every match.

One reason why I excel in ChessKid puzzle duels is my ability to anticipate the systems moves and plan several puzzles ahead. By carefully analyzing the board and considering all possible outcomes, I am able to make calculated decisions that put me in a position of advantage.

In addition, my extensive knowledge of chess tactics and mouse speed gives me an edge over other players. I have studied various opening moves, middle game tactics, and endgame techniques, allowing me to adapt to any situation that arises during a match.

Furthermore, my dedication to honing my skills through practice and study sets me apart from the competition. I spend countless hours analyzing games, solving puzzles, and participating in online matches to sharpen my abilities and stay at the top of my game.