Hello! My name is Elliot! For context About I am 13 And I'm a guy. I am interested in dating because it's just too many complications and I'm down for the ride. But here are some things about my sexuality and What flag I represent! I am a part of the LGBTQ+ I am happily bisexual and polyamory. (If you want to date alone I will) I am very much open to chatting and talking! Medical issues: I have ADHD and Anger issues. So if I snap then it's probably from pent-up anger if you don't mind. If I have sudden mild changes in moods because I'm also bipolar. please take this into account when talking to me! If i ever just seem cold/angry to you it's because I'm just mad from not having trust in people. If I see that your trying to make any attempts to win me over I will be pissed. Here are some things to indicate that I'm mad: I'll put periods at the end of my sentence. One to indicate that im sad is: i will put GG randomly. This often indicates the good games or good times ive had that im thinking of. (It hurts to care. Because im gonna get attached)