I was born in Puerto Rico, where I learned chess at the early age of 4 yrs. During elementary school, I continued to play and progress learning from the Santana brothers and other amazing chess players on the island. We played in MacDonald and at the Remy Base. We also used to play on Chessmasters.com and other early sites. I represented my high schools and won many tournaments. 

I joined the USA military in 2000 at 17 yrs of age. I served in the Navy and Army with multiple combat deployments as a Navy Corpsman and Army Ranger. During my time in the military I only remember playing a lot during a deployment to Kuwait and while stationed in the USS Kearsarge.

After the military chess helped me to survived bouts of PTSD and depression. I was able to connect with others through chess.com and lichess.org. I helped to stood up a chess club at my daughter's elementary school in Sacramento. Later when we moved to Jacksonville, I joined the Jacksonville Chess Club and helped during their Summer camps, additionally I was able to become a level 1 chess coach and arbiter.

Now I am in Grenada West Indies, and spectacular Caribbean island attending medical school. I am part of a student group standing up the Chess club at SGU. I try to play as much as I can and teach others about this beautiful science. I hope to meet others in their journey to learn all the intricacies of this art. Let's connect and share stories. 

My rate goes up and down like a yo-yo because I play a lot of bullet or rapid game during study breaks or whenever I have a break, and many I ran out of time.

Anyone trying to setup a Twitch channel and will like to share playing times let me know.

USChess ۶۳٬۱۹۴ عضو
Kasparov Chess Club
Kasparov Chess Club ۶٬۶۹۹ عضو
The GM Factory
The GM Factory ۷٬۲۵۶ عضو