Just new to chess, although I played as a kid (just for fun) I'm here to learn and improve my game, any help would be much appreciated. Constructive Criticism welcome!! Live a busy but happy life on a sleepy farm in Scotland, I am The Assistant Manager of a Animal Rescue and Rehoming Centre in which we specialise in the rehabilitation and retraining of dogs which have been abused/neglected etc and then find their forever homes. We also rehome small animals and cats. I love animals and have 2 dogs and a cat plus ducks and fish. I am engaged to a wonderful man who I have been with 8 years. My hobbies include long bubble baths (lol may not sound like a hobby but I love them!) Reading, my pets, films, music, socialising, shopping, and now chess! Films and the Cinema - oh and i'm addicted to the TV series Lost!