
I will wear a hijab


Do you really want to peek?


wear a hijab here and be seen by a policeman. €11 fine.


And do Catholic Nuns also have to pay such fines?

Image result for Catholic nun wear


It is called discrimination.


If they decided to be nuns, then they accepted the conditions. If you join a club, you accept its rules.


Because the nuns are not does not mean that they agree with the wear, or the way they are treated in the Catholic Chuch. It is the same thing with these women in those countries. 


Do you think women accept/agree that they should be paid less than men...only because of their sex?


Women throughout the world, and non-whites as well...face the same sort of discrimination.


The nuns decided voluntarily to become nuns.


Yes, they did...but I am sure that not all of them agree with wearing such a wear...imagine working in a hot climate all day. Because we agree to join an occupation, that does not follow that we agree with all that we encounter.


I know a number of nuns personally, who have more than a few stories to tell. LOL


You have a point there, but still the nun outfit and the hijab in Iran are not comparable at all

jesterville wrote:

Do you think women accept/agree that they should be paid less than men...only because of their sex?

The gender wage gap, insofar as it claims that women get paid less for the same work, is a myth.

Now, you could argue that over the course of their education, women are discouraged from pursuing more lucrative career paths. Not all arguments of the sort that I've seen are convincing, but some are.


You can quit being an nun without going to jail.  You can refuse to wear that costume and not go to jail.  It is 100% choice, there is NO law to wear the nun outfit in any country that I know of in the world today. 

No one will stone you to death for not wearing it.  No one cares outside of their religious order.  

The gender / race gaps are overhyped.   My manager and skipping a few levels, a highly placed VP are both female and both make far, far more than I do (and I do ok, paid cash for 2 cars and home is paid off in < 10 years).   The big source of gender pay gap is kids... gotta stay home, kid is sick, gotta leave early, kid has a game, gotta stay off a week, its break, ... blah blah ... see that day in and day out.   The race thing is just bs .. give me an equally educated guy who speaks english and has a foreign *excellent* work ethic and Ill show you a guy on a path for a high income and on the road to success.  I work with a dozen such folks and wouldnt trade them for 50 white male USA born recent college grads in the same field.   The ones on my team work harder and make more than I do.  I can live with that, its how it should be... effort and ability and willingness -> $$! 



Sorry, I found this image and I feel the necessity to post it.


I wonder why people write such falsehoods, they should instead focus on the holiness and the modesty as typified by the hijab



So prad830...I am taking your posts as not supporting the hijab?


Dear Xming,

I support the belief that using strands of a cotton seed's extrusion to cover the keratin output from a human hair follicle makes eminent sense as otherwise unobstructred vision of the keratinous bunch covering  a female homo sapien's skull may upset the endocrinal hormonal balance of the male species resulting in erogenous thoughts among the male species.

Since it is our divine duty to control the thoughts, erogenous or otherwise, among the human species, we shall encourage that "the keratin strands sprouting from a female human skull" be deprived of radiations in the visible spectrum.

Oh... and in case there are any doubts.. God created Adam,Eve, Higgs Boson and all the universe including the Andomeda Galaxy in 6 days approximately 6000 years ago.
