
Books on failed combinations and defense tactics?


Most tactics books offer winning sacrifices, mates in 2 etc. I am looking to sharpen my defending skills and I am looking for a book that offers only (or mostly) failed combinations. Those that are unsound or can be refuted by correct defensive play. A nice one too would be a book about defense tactics. I am interested in books that offer puzzles only and not something like Soltis Art of defense.

Anyone has come across such books?

Thank you.


An intriguing idea...I've never seen such a thing though.


The idea is not new. Ray Cheng has a number of those in his excellent book Practical Chess Excercises and I thought Dan Heisman had something similar but I could be wrong. I'm looking for a book dedicated to those problems though.


I am currently going through Cheng's book and it is excellent. I'm going to watch this thread in hopes someone has come across anything similar.


Well, if they don't have an entire book on it...then I guess the idea isn't exactly old-hat. Smile


Does Ray cheng writes kung fu books?


Check out Blunders and Brilliancies by Ian Mullen and Moe Moss.


Thanks Crazychessplaya. Sounds like the closest book to what I had in mind. I also read that Nunn's puzzle book has some of those too.


Yes. There is a section on defensive play and refuting combinations in The Middle Game in Chess by Keres and Kotov.  The main english edition of this is the 1989 Dover edition.


I'm also looking for a book similar to this, mainy a tactics book/site to help look for opponents threats. For example 'white to play' - answer = quiet pawn move that stops an opponents Knight fork. I'm convinced this in an underdeveloped area in many people's play, certainly mine. The annoying this is I came across such a book a while ago and thought I had bookmarked it.

Edit: Oh I think the book I was thinking about is Looking for Trouble by Heisman.