
Battle for the Planet of the Apes


Recently I have been experimenting with a new chess gambit against
the White setup with moves 1.e4 e5. 2.Nf3 g5. This appears to be radically
unsound but may actually be very good because your opponent will not
be prepared to do battle with an opening which looks strange but can
be very dangerous for the White side. See games attached.

Best Regards


I was analyzing this opening and discovered some of its secrets. It is actually an
accelerated version of the Kings Indian Defense. After the moves 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 g5
White can take the pawn at e4 with 3.Nxe5 then I play 3....d6 chasing the N away
from the e5 square. I tried this in a test game against Loyd Kawamura who is rated about 2350 and is a US National Master and his move was to play
4.Nc4. Even chess engine Firefly (2350) played 4.Nc4. But this is actually a
bad square for the White N if both sides castle Kingside because it is posted
away from attacking the Black K and also out play as far as defending the
White Kingside. Black later plays Ne7 and gets in d5 and after exd5 Nxd5 the
Black N is better posted than the White N at c4.  The d5 pawn thrust
exchanges off the White e pawn for the pawn at d5. Now Black has effectively blocked off the center and the Black kingside pawns will roll
down the White kingside in a very strong kingside attack.

Best Regards






Darth - I was just popping on for a quick sec before work (so I can't read this all right now).

This tournament may interest you - it's 1.e4 e6 2. Nf3 g5?! - the themes may be similar.

ReasonableDoubt wrote:

With no offense meant, that looks like a really fast way to get an awful position as early as move 5.


I played an identical opening sequence during a local tournament 2 months back.

The hole in blacks line is a very strong way to start I feel.


I am not convinced it is sound, but have not studied or played it as Black yet (I'll try - I like all your ideas Clyde).  I have had 3 players try it against me and they all have seemd to lost their way.  Here is recent example.


In the position above black should have played 3...
h6 guarding the g pawn. If White played 4.dxe5 then
4...d6 transposes into the Blackburne Hartlaub Gambit.
If 4.Nxe5 then Black plays 4...d6 chasing the N away. I
do not believe the move 5.Nxf7 is correct and should
lose. I did not have too many losses with this line. If
5.Nc4 then the N could be out of play if your intention
with White is to attack the White Kingside castled
position. With Black I usually play the B fianchettoe
on the Kingside and the N to e7 and prepare to push
the pawn to d4.

Best Regards
Clyde Nakamura







In the Felipeperdomo game, to me it seems 4. Nxe5 would have been bad news for black, but who are we to say?