
Caro cann defense

Honestly I think the Caro Cann is a good opening but I have never played it. The Caro Cann defense is kind of similar to the French defense, the both have the exchange variation and advanced variation. And also if you somehow if you reached the blackmar diemar gambit you can transpose it into the Caro Cann defense. This is a good opening to try out for black especially those who want to attack the center right from the start. Comment down any facts you know about the Caro cann defense.

*Caro Kann


I am learning the Caro-Kann right now. I’m fascinated by it so far. It’s completely different in attitude and thinking from the Sicilians I played for so long.


I loathe the opening as much as I loathe the kings Indian and it’s adherents 


I loathe the King’s Indian, too. Not fond of the Grunfeld, and Benoni either. Now that I think about it, I don’t like anything where black fianchettos kingside.


I played CK for almost a year and became well versed in most variations. I only recently stopped playing it since I nearly always found myself at a disadvantage against 2000+ rated players who have favorite "pet" lines against the CK which are extremely sharp and ofttimes fringe theory. It's hard to generalize solutions for these variations on account of their sharp nature and varied ideas.


My summary of the CK would be that you disproportionaly favour the development of your queenside early on, and largely inhibit the mobilization of your pieces to the defense of the kingside by pushing e6. It's a fun opening but it's always annoying to run into someone with good knowledge of agressive lines such as the Goldman variation, Panov, Two Knights attack, Ne2 systems, etc.


Caro-Kann is a solid opening.


I have played a lot many years ago. It is not easy to win against and has many positional variations which soon gets tactical. To be an almost whole repertoire against 1.e4 it has rather limited theory compared to the Sicilian and the Open games.


I'm doing a thread on the Caro-Kann in the game analysis forum here:

I am quite new to the opening but I'm sharing what I learn as I go.


I play the Caro Kann exclusively against e4. One of the things I like about the Caro-Kann is how many positions transpose into a very similar structure, so that almost regardless of the opening (almost) you can get to a Caro-Kann like structure. Thus, by learning the Caro-Kann you are prepared for quite a few openings, which simplifies the game a bit. 


I find it to be a little like a french defense but you don't hinder bishop development on move 1


If I weren't playing the French, I'd probably be playing the Caro.


indeed. Get it out of your conception(s): The CK doesn't challenge the Center; nor is there any similarities to the French Advance & Exchange Variations other than Name only.(ie French PPV & Sicilian Najdorf PPV). Just bringing Facts. As a staunch Caro•Kann player for 20+ years, it pains me to see forums like this in the Chess Openings Topics. I would think this generation would have more profound things to say, new ideas, different perspectives being you guys have more resources, knowledge? Ack. whatever ✌🏽

najdorf96 wrote:

indeed. Get it out of your conception(s): The CK doesn't challenge the Center; nor is there any similarities to the French Advance & Exchange Variations other than Name only.(ie French PPV & Sicilian Najdorf PPV). Just bringing Facts. As a staunch Caro•Kann player for 20+ years, it pains me to see forums like this in the Chess Openings Topics. I would think this generation would have more profound things to say, new ideas, different perspectives being you guys have more resources, knowledge? Ack. whatever ✌🏽

Hi Gene, what approach would you recommend for learning the Caro-Kann? I am doing a mixture of studying games, watching videos on the theory, and trying it out in a few games. So far, most of the opponents I've faced exchange pawns either immediately or quite early on.

najdorf96 wrote:

indeed. Get it out of your conception(s): The CK doesn't challenge the Center; nor is there any similarities to the French Advance & Exchange Variations other than Name only.(ie French PPV & Sicilian Najdorf PPV). Just bringing Facts. As a staunch Caro•Kann player for 20+ years, it pains me to see forums like this in the Chess Openings Topics. I would think this generation would have more profound things to say, new ideas, different perspectives being you guys have more resources, knowledge? Ack. whatever ✌🏽

Hit Youtube, watch the GM of your choice talk about these openings and form your own opinion.

I thinking of never playing it again. I feel like such an idiot.