
Looking for an opening that avoids piece exchanges


Hi everyone. As stated in the heading, I'm looking for an opening that postpones any piece exchanges at a reasonable cost. It doesn't necessarily have to be a positional game, just one that keeps the pieces in play. I've grown a bit bored with drawish games that stem from rapid trading.

I'm not implying my opponents play for draws, but they rush in to the exchange not realizing that the endgame is most probably drawn. For me, this can quickly grow drab.

Bbbpppp drabbb.


I realize that I could opt for slower development in any opening and keep it simple and safe behind the 4th/5th rank. Lie in wait for my opponent to mess-up, and then seize the moment. But against a tough opponent this is unlikely. It would either cost me the game, or I'd be the one trading pieces to avoid a loss.

PawnstormPossie wrote:

Maybe an example or two would help.

That's a tough one. It's been the case with most of my recent games. It's like looking at the Petrov Defense - you know? - and being told go find the win.


i think this is a common mistke that many players of our level make. We are not GMs you don't have to play theoretically consistent stuff to beat yur opponent. You could blunder on move 3 and still win. So it doesn't matter if it's the Petroff or the Italian.

If you don't want to exchange stuff then fine just don't. But have a plan in mind.


Im thinking WSama has been taught to keep all his arsenal on the board, to mantain the tension, to provoke his opponent into a mistake.


And Wsama will be subjected to mistakes as well.


You cannot force an opening. Your opponent has options too.


Maybe consider closed Ruy Lopez.




Thanks everyone. Sorry I wasn't much to go on @PawnstormPossie 😅 it seemed like too much work. @pdve you're absolutely right. @RivertonKnight it's not quite that, I've just been running into way too many exchanges that lead to drawish games - this probably has something to do with how I've been playing lately...perhaps my strategy is too obvious or too aggressive. @Utopia321 that looks very interesting, I think I'll look into it. 

WSama wrote:

Hi everyone. As stated in the heading, I'm looking for an opening that postpones any piece exchanges at a reasonable cost. It doesn't necessarily have to be a positional game, just one that keeps the pieces in play. I've grown a bit bored with drawish games that stem from rapid trading.

I'm not implying my opponents play for draws, but they rush in to the exchange not realizing that the endgame is most probably drawn. For me, this can quickly grow drab.

Bbbpppp drabbb.

This applies to You, me, and 99.9% of people here:

1. Openings DO NOT determine the outcome of your games.

2.  Not following opening principles, missing simple tactics, and blunders do. 


IMBacon  wrote:

... Openings DO NOT determine the outcome of your games. ...

But they can influence the outcome of games?


Try more closed variations, ergo Catalan closed. There are many ways to arrive at that closed position.

1.d4 1.c4 1.Nf3 1.g3 The problem is getting someone to play along with your intentions, as in most cases Black determines which line in the ECO that you play as White and White often can throw a wrench in your plans to play in a closed variation. Goodwill hunting!


Timothy Scott Puente


Thanks again everyone. Once again, I'm not aiming at criticism or anything of that sort - just looking for a way to stir things up a bit.

@TimothyScottPuente, I'll check my database for the Catalan closed. The name alone sounds intriguing.


I play the Italian Game (specifically the Giuoco Pianissimo, with d3)  frequently, and its pretty uncommon I would encounter an early piece exchange.

This is a part of a game I played OTB as white:




Nice, @bobby_fischer7962. These are all some great options.