
Play the Urusoff Gambit people under 1800


This is a tricky opening for these lower rated players so try this


weird huh?


Looks like one of those openings I should throw in every now and then to mix it up a bit.


Yes that 6...d5 line given by pfren above seems one of the most critical. Generally an early ...d5 is the move by which Black can spoil White's fun in most of these oddball gambits.

Still, if you are willing to play the resulting position, or if you are expecting your opponent not to play an early ...d5, the Urusov has the advantage of ruling out any options of Black angling towards the Petroff defence. You should be aware though that if Black chooses not to try to refute the gambit, there's always the option of 4...Nc6, when you reach a totally normal Two Knights' Defence where White has already committed to d2-d4, so no fried liver anymore...


That aside, here's one of my happier memories with that gambit, played in a 45 45 live chess game on another website:



Post more games!! =O! This opening looks pretty awesome. 

And I juuust happen to be under 1800 =D 1799. 


That is a heck of a dangerous looking opening! CRAZY STUFF!


Thanks a lot didiz 1016.

I just fed the opening moves to crafty and it says - Two Knight's Defence, Yudansky Attack.

Maybe it's another name for Urusoff Gambit. 


That's what I was wondering too. 


there's always the option of 4...Nc6


isn't this just black playing Nf6 instead of Nc6 in the scotch gambit?


That question is a bit like: "Isn't the Petroff (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6) just Black playing Nf6 instead of Nc6 in the Spanish?"

So yeah, we may come across similar motives as in some Scotch Gambit games, but generally it makes a heck of a difference which knight has been developed....


It's a bit like an opening I play quite often in blitz games (which I'd thought was called the Veresov gambit, hm):



OK, maybe disastrous was a bit strong, but in a blitz game it's much easier to play as white when black tries ...Bc5 to hold the pawn. I wouldn't play it in a long game just because black gets a solid game with



I used to play it but it just turns into a Scotch Gambit after this so it doesn't really surprise people a lot.


For me these high risk, high reward openings are just like trying to trap someone. I think I would be likely to botch it up. My guess is, if there were one of these openings that was so good at giving white a great advantage, everyone would be doing it and know the defense too.

I have still considered it, though it seems like once players are about or above my rank, they see enough good moves to spoil the fun.


I wonder why you think it's weird if you yourself play it. Tongue out





thanks for you comments :)