
Playing against Alekhine's defence.


Here is a line I love to play which can be extremely devastating if Black underestimates it.

The line is a very quiet non-aggressive line, but it tries to have rapid development which can catch some Black side players off guard.

As you can see White hasn’t done anything really aggressive and White still has flexibility with how he puts his pawns. White line seems harmless, but White is fully developed.

‘I showed an example of Black side player trying to develop/castle.
Sometimes, the players playing Black don’t due to wanting to make other moves. It can be very easy for Black to fall behind in development and get ran over with their King exposed in center.


1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 Nd5 3.d4 is a really cool line,especially if 3...d6 4.Nf3. A great trap is 4...Bg4 5.Bc4 Nb6?? 6.Bxf7+!


normally it starts by having kings pawn e4 for white, black responds with f6, and I tend to like to defend me center pawn with the knight, which allows for either winning material with the knight taking the pawn and you take back, or your in a good position to advance center pawns.


I don't see the Alekhine's very often, but when a buddy and I were playing a weekly match OTB at the pub a couple years ago, we used to try out various openings just for variety's sake. He decided to play Alekhine's against me. I make no apologies or excuses for the quality of the game happy.png .