
Female vs. Male Chess Players

FonzMcBride wrote:



Excellent topic, very interesting , it is high time someone asked this question for the 50th time. I can’t wait not to have any answer ,again ,after 400  replies.

It's funny, I've been on for over three years, and I've never seen this thread before.

Then again, I wasn't very active on the forums for most of that time. Also, I probably should have guessed.

I think the best answer is: it's just numbers. If as many women played as men, we'd have nearly equal number of men and women Super GMs. There may be some other factors; It's true that men's IQ scores are more spread out than those of women--more at the bottom of the spectrum, more at the top, fewer in the middle. But there are flaws in IQ assesment; those tests were probably designed mostly by men, for one. It's probably true that men tend to be more obsessive with hobbies such as chess, though I haven't seen a lot of research to back that up.

RisingGrounds wrote:
RisingGrounds wrote:
theheatison wrote:

2600  man vs 2600 woman. Mmmmm   would have to see the rating ! haha.

Go one better. 2600 Core i7 Using Houdini3 ? - Flawless.

Go one better. * ELO - Jesus Christ - Perfect.

Go one better. ELO - Mr. Blue Sky - Epic.


Do fewer women play chess then men?  Of course.  How much is the difference?  I think it fair to estimate there are 200 men for every women, that plays chess.


Savage wrote:

"I think the best answer is: it's just numbers. If as many women played as men, we'd have nearly equal number of men and women Super GMs."

 You're starting the story from the middle, as though it's just divinely pre-ordained that fewer women play and there couldn't be some reason for that.The way the politically-correct castrati and feminist grievance-mongers go on, you might think it's impossible that some groups are simply better than others at certain things.

I agree (in the blue statement) ... from experience.... check my earlier post on this thread. :)

Savage wrote:

"I think the best answer is: it's just numbers. If as many women played as men, we'd have nearly equal number of men and women Super GMs."


You're starting the story from the middle, as though it's just divinely pre-ordained that fewer women play and there couldn't be some reason for that.

I'm fully aware there's a reason for it. I didn't think it necessary to launch into a full thesis about it.

sftac wrote:

Do fewer women play chess then men?  Of course.  How much is the difference?  I think it fair to estimate there are 200 men for every women, that plays chess.


At the scholastic level in the US... its about 8 boys for every 1 girl that plays. The ratio is closer to even during the elementary years (4:1)... but begins to widen through middle school (my experience 8:1) and even more so in high school.


Men = Hunters   /   Women = Gatherers


I have yet to play a female OTB.

TKACHS wrote:

Men = Hunters   /   Women = Gatherers

and you a faggot


  Dogs play chess?


 IRON +male = FEmale!?

Jonesey1111 wrote:

Male chess players are - as a general rule - not uh... impressive socially.  Look around at any OTB tournament.  You're not looking at the cream of the crop of the male gender.  Just the opposite is true.  So in effect you'd be asking women to immerse themselves socially into a substandard vat of mediocrity  (myself and you, dear reader, excluded of course).  Now, maybe they'll do it anyway because they just love the game of chess SOOO much that they don't care about the teeming legions of unwanted males sorrounding them.  If so, great!  To say that women are "welcome" to join into the chess community would be a collosal understatement.  If hordes of women started showing up at OTB tournaments and getting into chess, the old guard would be beside themselves with joy.

Unfortunately, women are very rare at tournaments (and chess clubs).  As a result, from what I have seen personally, males at tournaments seize on the slightest pretext to jump into a conversation with a woman.  And who can blame them?  After all they rarely SEE an actual woman in their normal lives.  Why not show some enthusiasm in talking with them?

If you want to help reverse this sad state of affairs, here's what you can do.  Stop blathering on about genetics, testosterone, and other kooky theories.  Instead, take a shower, comb your hair, and SHAVE for chrissakes.  And while a tie sure isn't needed, try to wear something better than your bowling shirt to the tournament.  These initial steps will do more to overcome this problem than a thousand blog posts about genetics and upbringing.

But, if I shave before a tournament I could give in to draw offers from weaker players, or worse, lose. I never shave the day of competition; it is bad luck.


The difference in numbers is only a reflection of the natural ability and desire to do something that requires strategy. Yes, if an equal number of women played chess, there would naturally be more women in the charts than there are now, but it would still be predominately men.

Men and women are just created differently, equal but different. I mean, you can have a dollar bill on one side, and a hundred pennies on the other. Both are equal in value, but they have different qualities.

You build a bridge using pillars and a deck. Which is more important, the pillars or the deck? The point is, both are necessary, but each is better at something than the other. Lots of harmony in creation...

soothsayer8 wrote:
FonzMcBride wrote:



Excellent topic, very interesting , it is high time someone asked this question for the 50th time. I can’t wait not to have any answer ,again ,after 400  replies.

It's funny, I've been on for over three years, and I've never seen this thread before.

Well, here are some - either directly or passive-aggressively - that addressed this same topic or devolved into the same discussion:


all these comments suck. you're a bunch of sexists and essentialists. there are historical reasons to explain why women weren't allowed/ encouraged to play and hence how it ended up being "a man's thing". read more here and for the whole paper here

AUHO wrote:

all these comments suck. you're a bunch of sexists and essentialists. there are historical reasons to explain why women weren't allowed/ encouraged to play and hence how it ended up being "a man's thing". read more here and for the whole paper here

Are you trying to say that men and women have equal talent in all areas of life?


Men tend to be much more competitive than women. That's not to say that no women are competitive, just that men are more likely to have this trait. The difference between men and women in chess is pretty small once you account for the smaller number of female players. I think I remember hearing it's about 100 points. It's not nothing but it's not enormous either. 


I wanna know that. Do girls are also not good in maths statically in compare of boys?


Bear in mind that people aren't averages.  On average more boys than girls excel at math, but no one told that to the chair of my university statistics department, or to my PhD advisor--both very talented mathematicians.