
Your favorite chess quotation


I have never opened with the QP – on principle.

On 1. d4

- Bobby Fischer


There are two types of sacrifices : correct ones and mine  -  Mikhail Tal.


Guy watching others play chess says he sees a move. -The Onion


I think it was back in 1992 that Fischer said, "That's what chess is all about. One day you give your opponent a lesson, the next day he gives you one."


When the Pawn hits the conflicts he thinks like a King what he knows throws the blows when he goes to the fight and he'll win the whole thing 'fore he enters the ring there's no body to batter when your mind is your might so when you go solo, you hold your own hand and remember that depth is the greatest of heights and if you know where you stand, then you know where to land and if you fall it won't matter, cuz you'll know that you're right. - Fiona Apple


AlexanderAlekhine after 1930 San Remo when he swept the best players in the world away with 13 wins and no losses. 

"I am the SuPar Chess Maxstor3,everyone else  is teh chess sucksores, W00T W00T".


My favorite;

“The winner of the game is the player who makes the next-to-last mistake.”

- Savielly Tartakower


"Chess is the art which expresses the science of logic" - Mikhail Botvinnik

I had this engraved on the side of a wooden board I bought recently. I wanted some chess quote or other and looked at several hundred before choosing. I'm fairly new to chess (or rather, to attempting to get better at it), so I picked this quote because I was a computer programmer and I felt a connection with Botvinnik in that regard.

narnys wrote:

"Chess is the art which expresses the science of logic" - Mikhail Botvinnik

I had this engraved on the side of a wooden board I bought recently. I wanted some chess quote or other and looked at several hundred before choosing. I'm fairly new to chess (or rather, to attempting to get better at it), so I picked this quote because I was a computer programmer and I felt a connection with Botvinnik in that regard.

A good choice for you, since the same can be said for programming computers!