My opponent was @ersatzspieler123
I again got blocked after a win vs a 2000+ elo guy

I think 13. Nxg5 was very good for white, yet he played e4. Looking at the rest, he doesn't seem genuine 2000+.

I got blocked by a Scholar's Mate player after I beat him with no queen (I accidentally blundered it) while he kept his for the whole game. The best part was that I still had a huge advantage after the giant mistake, because I still had all four minor pieces + a castled king (he didn't castle and only had one bishop) + rooks breathing down the d and e files (his rooks hadn't even moved once).
All I could say was, "Sorry about that, bro. Try learning a real opening."
I played black.
Seriously... I'm not even mad about getting blocked. I find it funny that they do