
Bxf2+ dilemma



Because Bxf2 is a retarded move


Repeating what ivandh has already said, preventing the white king from castling is not enough compensation for the sacrificed piece.  Just continue developing with moves like Nf3.  If black plays Bxf2 and you recapture with the king, black has no immediate way of exploiting your uncastled king.  Your king should then be able to find shelter on the king's side without much difficulty.

Qe2 on the other hand is a bit awkward since it blocks the diagnal for your light square bishop, and the queen isn't really developed on that square.  The lead in development would give black an advantage.  Also, black can easily place his knight on d4 in this position, which would be annoying for white to deal with.

Kens_Mom wrote:

.... preventing the white king from castling is not enough compensation for the sacrificed piece.  

Yes, this is the question I was really trying to ask. 

Thanks for your informative reply.



Ken's Mom gave you very good advice!


Sacrificing material to weaken a king's defense is only a reasonable option when the sacrificing side has several active pieces and can unleash a well-calculated attack following up the sacrifice. In the scenario given, the bishop is the only active pieces, so white would have plenty of time to ward off any attacks following the sacrifice.


The best way to find out, is to play Bxf7 or Bxf2 in such early positions like that yourself - and see that you have nothing really. :-)

The white King can easily "slow-castle". 

Heck, then, the half-open f-file might even be good for white.

TeraHammer wrote:

The best way to find out, is to play Bxf7 or Bxf2 in such early positions like that yourself - and see that you have nothing really. :-)

You just lost Icaro a game, 2 years later :(


LOL@ the Dialogue on this forum should be put into a shakespearean play.

I fell out of my chair laughing.

I couldn't stop laughing LOL.

It looks like people were brutally honest 4 years ago LOL.

They didn't hold back anything HA HA.


Narrator: The OP is looking for insight on a dilemma.


The OP: Leaned me your ears lady's and gentlemen!

The OP: A quarrel between the Bishop and the King as arisen.

The OP: To play Bxf2+ or not to play Bxf2+ for that is the question?

The OP: A question which I am dare say I am afraid to have answered!

The OP: Fearing grave peril, I moved the queen to help shelter her majesty with the move Qe2.

The OP: Was my decision just?


Commenter 2 enters the stage


Commenter 2:  NO because only a retard would play such a move.


Commenter 2 exits the stage with doves flying in the background for dramatic effect.




I can't help it.

I have to laugh again even while doing a shakespearean play of it.


Lemontree321 wrote:

Oh well I am stupid......... I still like doing it. It keeps up an exciting game.

In the above OP diagram Sac-ing because you can is losing.

Your excitement why it may happen in the begin will be short lived after white defends correctly.


X_PLAYER_J_X wrote:

It looks like people were brutally honest 4 years ago

This was back before the PC people took over.


ivandh نوشته:

Because Bxf2 is a retarded move

ivandh نوشته: Because Bxf2 is a retarded move


I don't think Bc5 is a very good reply to the Vienna. Surely just 3. f4 must be good for white?