
Drawn Position?


Here is a game where I played black.  The position looked even to me, so I offered a draw and the opponent accepted.  How could either side manage a breakthrough?  Would it be easy?  It was white to move, and my last move was ...Kf6.




It is not drawn. White could play for win after a5 or b4. The black pawns seem to be weak. I would play b4-b5-a5 in this position, if black takes to b4, then Rook b1, and white wins easily.


White should win with a5! Black has two sets of doubled pawns and poor rook mobility.


This postion is awkward. THe breakthrough with a5 is an idea but he can just play Ra8. Then if he captures first your double pawns are gone and second the A file is opened up. still looks like a draw though. If you don't mind me by asking how did you guys even trade off pieces?


Chessking, since you are interested, here is the entire game .pgn (unannotated.  Started out with the Four Knights game.  I agree that it is an awkward position.

Feel free to comment on any part of the game if you want,

Cheers, Becky


Looks to me like black has the chance to win with h5 after a5.


I still believe a5  will win in time. a5, g5+ and take the free pawn or possibly even a6 at that point. A5, Ra8 and free pawn.