
Let me analyze your games!


Realized one of the big things I was doing a lot when I played a lot better was I was analyzing games on forums like a madman. 

So give me some games to analyze.  I don't claim everything I say will be 100 % true. 

So Rule no.1 is that you must try to refute my ideas(with your brain not a box-although if you want to analyze it with a box thats fine just warn me when you post the analysis...So I can put off looking at it until I want to.) if you post a game and I analyze it.  I hope you find holes in my analysis if there are some.  The harder I have to work the better. 

Now lets help each other get better:D


I am not a good player, what more in analysis.  Anyway, here are my 3 games.  If you only want to analysis for 1 game then analize the one which i lost.  thanks very much  (lost) (should have lost but I won) (won this one but looks like I failed to take my chances properly)


First note in tthe game you lost...after white played n-c3 you should immediately be looking to see if e5 works....Can you see what the idea is? 


Here is one interesting! :)


2nd note to your lost game jagdeep...You didn't seem to have a plan.  YOu looked like you were trying to just "develop" your pieces and play safe.  Of course this isn't a bad idea.  But, with this c6 e6 pawn structure you should be looking to free yourself with c5 or e5 at some point.  The point is that once you get one of those moves in both your bishops become more active(notice how your light square bishop isn't going anywhere in your game


cont...after white plays h4 you are much worst...I don't see a way out as n-g5 follows if you play n-f8.  Basically, take this as a lesson that you need to open up your pieces earlier(eg e5 after white plays n-c3)


Your game is very complicated msc.  Did you play all theory(Was your opponent the one hat left theory?)?  Been a long time since I looked at the fried liver lines.  It is complicated I will look over it more closely later.

erikido23 wrote:

Your game is very complicated msc.  Did you play all theory(Was your opponent the one hat left theory?)?  Been a long time since I looked at the fried liver lines.  It is complicated I will look over it more closely later.

I don't know. I saw the lines until 12.d4, for 12...Be6 I don't know. I can tell you it was the most nasty game I've ever played! :)


Thanks for your input erikido23.  Actually this was the first game that someone actually did cxd.  So I was actually lost what to do.  Since I was playing a player rated far above me, i tried to play safe but failed in the process.  Your idea of e5 immediately after Nc3 looks scary but in the same time ok.  I really can't see the idea it but it looks like the best move for that moment.    

BTW you hit the bulls eye with your analysis.  Now I will be checking with the e5 idea.  Thanks a lot. 


The point with the e5 idea is that after dxe5 n-g4!?(f7 and e5 are hanging).  But, it gets really complicated after n-d5.  I really am not sure what is going on there.  


If you just try to play "safe" and don't put any pressure on a better player they will beat you just about everytime(although thats the case in most instances-but you have more chances if you play actively)

MSC157 wrote:

Here is one interesting! :)

Wow, that was a nasty one.  What was your plan after 12...c6?  13. b-d2 and I had no idea what was going on.  It seemed like if black takes the knight then you win the rook on a8 and (probably) the queenside pawns.  You would still be down a piece.  But, like I said it all looked unclear to my tiny brain.  Any thoughts on the c6 idea?

erikido23 wrote:
MSC157 wrote:

Here is one interesting! :)

Wow, that was a nasty one.  What was your plan after 12...c6?  13. b-d2 and I had no idea what was going on.  It seemed like if black takes the knight then you win the rook on a8 and (probably) the queenside pawns.  You would still be down a piece.  But, like I said it all looked unclear to my tiny brain.  Any thoughts on the c6 idea?

Do you mean that?

erikido23 wrote:

The point with the e5 idea is that after dxe5 n-g4!?(f7 and e5 are hanging).  But, it gets really complicated after n-d5.  I really am not sure what is going on there.  


I don't like the idea of my opponent QxQ after I move Ng4 as i will lose my castling chances. But then again my opponent's f pawn is weak & maybe I can stop him from castling with my dark coloured bishop.  It's getting complicated for me.  

So I would QxQ & he must take with N or lose his castling chances.  Then only I will move Ng4.  After that maybe I would used my dark coloured Bishop to attack the f pawn if he tries to defend the his e5 pawn with his Knight. Otherwise I can check him & make sure he loses his castling chances. Well that's how i see it. :)


in your second game jagdeep.  The first issue I see is 7.  N-d5.  You need to stop hanging pieces.  Maybe u thought after q-g4 and b-h6 you would win the exchange.  But the issue is 7. nd5, nxe4 8.  q-g4, nf6 attacking the queen and protecting the king.  The knight can even come to e8 (if absolutely necessary) to protect the g7 pawn.  Hope you followed that.  

JagdeepSingh wrote:
erikido23 wrote:

The point with the e5 idea is that after dxe5 n-g4!?(f7 and e5 are hanging).  But, it gets really complicated after n-d5.  I really am not sure what is going on there.  


I don't like the idea of my opponent QxQ after I move Ng4 as i will lose my castling chances. But then again my opponent's f pawn is weak & maybe I can stop him from castling with my dark coloured bishop.  It's getting complicated for me.  

So I would QxQ & he must take with N or lose his castling chances.  Then only I will move Ng4.  After that maybe I would used my dark coloured Bishop to attack the f pawn if he tries to defend the his e5 pawn with his Knight. Otherwise I can check him & make sure he loses his castling chances. Well that's how i see it. :)

Sorry, I  did mean to say you should have taken the queen and THEN play n-g4.   YOU exchange queens first king takes and n-g4 is threatening the f7 and e5(because he has to take with the king otherwise you just take the e4 pawn).  But, then it gets complicated after n-d5.  Look over it some more now with that point in mind

MSC157 wrote:
erikido23 wrote:
MSC157 wrote:

Here is one interesting! :)

Wow, that was a nasty one.  What was your plan after 12...c6?  13. b-d2 and I had no idea what was going on.  It seemed like if black takes the knight then you win the rook on a8 and (probably) the queenside pawns.  You would still be down a piece.  But, like I said it all looked unclear to my tiny brain.  Any thoughts on the c6 idea?

Do you mean that?


yeah....I missed that check obviously


so how would you play after c6?  probably just dxe?

erikido23 wrote:

so how would you play after c6?  probably just dxe?

For sure dxe5. Just look at white's position :)


Yes you are right that it becomes very complicated & quite interesting too. :)