
Please help! almost beat a 1300 player!


I've never beat a 1300+ player at blitz and I got so close this time but the game ended up in a draw.  I really felt like this was my game but I was in time pressure and couldn't find a mating combination. I know there was a check mate in there somewhere especially at the end, can someone please point out what was the easiest way to check mate him? Still can't believe I drew that game, it's pretty frustrating!  Sometimes opponent's higher rating intimidates me.


If you played 40 ..Qxh2+, you would have been quick to mate in a few moves. His best move after that would probably be 41 Kb3 which you could have responded with Ra8 and finish it up from there.


64. Qf7 is a blunder allowing stalemate. Instead 64. Qa1X


@D4DevilX lol, I get that 64 is a blunder. I meant earlier in the game.

@bfound 40 ..Qxh2+ is not a legal move not sure what you're talking about. There's nothing for the queen to take on h2 on move 40.


I believe the fix is that you got distracted by White's counterplay on 32, when it could've been safely ignored.  You still had the initiative.  Had you moved Rah8 on move 32, threatening mate+1, and if White responds Kc1, then Rh2.  Connected rooks on the 2nd rank with White's king locked in the 1st from this position is winning for Black.  


yes @verybadbishop that's it thank you.  I missed a lot of opportunities that game from that moment on.


You should try to visualise all possible king moves before going for opponent's king. A thorough calculation is needed as to prevent embarrasing stalemates. Hope this helps.


Johnny, I think you had n easy win in the early 30's already.

(33 ... Rh8, and it's very close to over)

You had enough time to fit in another 30 moves after that, I think you just played too fast. Just take  moment before you move, 33 ... c5? That pawn is totally unimportant in the context of the game.


Thanks pfen and rooperi. What I don't like about chess is that you can play a much better game than your opponent and make 1 bad move and it's a draw/loss. But maybe that's what makes this game addicting.




@Snar - nice find! I have a bad habit of constantly looking at the clock when I play blitz. Once I see around 40 sec I enter panic mode regardless of position. I noticed on youtube GMs don't look at their clock once during their blitzes. 


Also on move 38, instead of taking the rook..

38 ... g1=Q+

39 Ke2 (any other move is mate next move) Rg2+

40 Kf3 Qf1#


Very good game, you played unlike what your rating suggests.


@Arcanus thank you! I lose a lot on time, i'm probably a good 50 points higher once I learn to get comfortable with the clock and about 100 points higher with longer time controls. But I do have a nice collection of awful games under my belt, this one is probably one of my strongest/luckiest.


Play some online games. No time pressure, excellent learning opportunities.


Though some minutes ago, I blundered away a nice online game - and my opponent missed the chance. Now I'm not sure if I should feel good or bad. Smile

(Sorry for being OT - too much Riesling)


Generally in blitz play, when you have a heavy piece material edge in an endgame, you would look to restrict the opponents king to a single rank/file (ensuring they have at least two squares to move back and forth between). Neutralise any pawn moves they have, by either capture or locking up the position. And then when the only legal moves they have are king moves, and the heavy piece restricting them cannot be attacked directly, premove running one of your pawns down to promotion, and slide the new piece safely onto the king's rank/file, to mate. All of this can be premoved, so is useful in blitz I think when you have so much of an advantage Smile

So for your game, the opponents king goes to your back rank with 56. Kc8. You now have to opportunity to play 56. ...Qa7, placing the queen safely a knights jump from the opponents king, and restricting his movement. Since his pawn is locked up, he must play 57. Kd8, by which you can restrict him further, to only 2 squares, by playing 57. ... Kf7. White's king can now only jump back and forth between c8 and d8, allowing you to leisurely promote the f-pawn, and slide it to the 8th rank safely for mate Wink

You may have had a forcing mate earlier in the game, however since the position simplified like this, you can easily premove and be safe on time Smile


@Genghis yes i missed that one thank you. I just switched to 5 2 from 5 0 and feel a lot more comfortable that way. Sudden death blitzes can be stolen by a weaker player who manages his/her time better. Maybe once I improve i can go back to 5 0.

@emp23 Thank you very much, that makes so much sense. I'm surprised I never learned that. I have a premium account and I've been looking for a good endgame video and couldn't find one. Your comment is what I was looking for thank you.


Actually, how is that check mate? In fact, shouldn't that be a draw, your king had no place to move in the end, so I don't see how he won.


#37......rxr,kxr,pg2 w/ win easily.