


great question. I'm thinking Qd3 then Bc2 then Ng5 attacking h7 which is weaker without the N on f6.


i'm thinking white should resign because he's down 2 rooks.


Since I'm down two rooks my plan would be to resign and start a new game.  (Should White have rooks at a1 and f1?)


Minority attack on the b-file if white has 2 invisible rooks.


Assuming White has some rooks, I like c4, expecting Nf6 but Nc7 may be Black's better move... If he answers Nf6 I like trying to create an outpost on d6 and bring our N to it.  If he answers Nc7, we should calculate whether we want to provoke f6 by playing Ne5... we need to figure out where the breaks are and where we want our rooks ... we do need those rooks!

Bringing the a-rook to the b-file seems like an obvious thing to do. Our plans are very much dependent upon how black responds to our predictable queenside pressure. Does he play defensively or does he try to play actively at the kingside/center.

AtahanT wrote:

Minority attack on the b-file if white has 2 invisible rooks.

that would be an interesting chess variant. each side has an invisible piece which becomes visible once it moves or attacks a piece.


c4 Nf6 e4 and then play e5 establishing outpost at d6. If blacks Knight retreats to e8 then we play Nd2-e4 maneuver .. if f6 we play f4 .. the e6 pawn then will be restricting blacks bishop.. and eventually it'll become a target..

if black plays f5  we look for d5 break and possibility of creating a passed pawn. rooks go on e and d files

it is questionable whether this plan is achievable or not. but black knight has to be kicked back and white should look for center play


I think one key is to continue to prevent e5.  With the pawn on e6 black's light squared bishop is terrible.

Now c4 looks nice, let's assume Nf6 then black has c5.  If you take blacks queen gets more active. 


Hmm, actually, could you play Rfc1 and then e4 e5.  If black can't stop e4-e5 then that's the way to go.  I keeps the knight out of f6and then you can add Qd3 and Bc2.  Maybe even Qd3 instead of RC1. 

If black plays f5  Qd3 f5 you can almost play a stonewall Ne5 threats with Qh5 and Bc2 even f4 Rf3 become possible later since the center will stay closed.  His bad bishop should tell eventually.


I see nothing wrong with c4 here, gaining space while not really creating weakness.

However, I think I may prefer the idea of playing for e4 here instead (after defending c3, I want it there to keep d4 solid). This is because with an e4 d4 center, white has many, many dynamic possibilites, for all of which black has to be alert for. For one thing, the classic breakthrough with d5 is possible. Another, the advance e5. This would be particularly nice if white's queen and bishop teamed up on the b1-h7 diagonal, forcing ...g6. Then white's knight could also come into e4, eyeing both d6 and f6. On top of all this, he simply has more space and can even try to gain more with say f4, or attack along the b file (that doesn't look too convincing right now, but it's always good to have the option, because for example if black tries to support the kingside or something and leave the queenside behind, this plan may become more potent.). Ideally white would want to meet ...e5 or ...c5 with d5, but it's even possible to ignore it if needed because c3 still keeps his space solid enough. It's also nice to keep the bishop's diagonal open.

Certainly, c4 can give white some edge too, but I prefer the more patient idea of playing for e4, maybe with Qd2 to prevent ...Nf4 in response. It seems to give white many more options, and this keeps black off balance.

So white will be looking to be as flexible as possible, only commiting to one of the plans at the best possible moment, when white's game is fully centralized, or when black leaves an area of the board vulnerable. Of course he wants to either prevent or take the sting out of ...c5 and ...e5 (like with planning a d5 in response).

On Qd2 if black plays ...c5, we can change plans with c4 then, followed by d5, fooling black!


hmm, after reading some of the posts the c4, e4-e5 idea is interesting; loose, but interesting. I get caught up with the slow flexible plans! It does weaken some things, but it puts immediate pressure on black, and it's not clear if black can take advantage of the weaknesses white has made. e5 would directly prevent ...e5 from black of course, while if black tries ...c5 he has to worry about the possibility of d5, with a huge wedge in the center.

Yes, perhaps slow play here is unnecessary.

I think white is clearly better here in the right hands, and as a result has many strong plans.

c4-c5 also makes some sense. the pressure on b7 doesn't seem to have a ton of bite, but it certainly keeps black's bishop bad, it gains space on the queenside, and as long as white doesn't allow a favorable ...e5 (which I doubt will ever happen! Be careful about it though) then black looks quite caged in. Also a knight can still come into d6. Yet another good plan!
