
win against 2200 player


At first thought the attack was unsound after rxd4!? (initially after the game analysis) But, apparently I am still ahead after further analysis. 


wow nice man analyzing others games really is helpful =)

chessmaster102 wrote:

wow nice man analyzing others games really is helpful =)

glad I gave someone else the bug..I think one of the greatest thing about it is you get to see positions which you wouldn't normally put/get yourself in.  So forces you to think more concretely.  


Wow, strange...14...d5 seems to be better for black.  Strange that I didn't even see that move


Interesting game!


In your alternate line (14. ... Rxd4), after 20. Rb8 Qxg5 isn't Black winning?

Powerlevel_9001 wrote:

oh, i saw chesscube, and i left

apparently u didn't


22. Qf2 looks a bad choice in your for instance. Why not Nxe6+?

blueemu wrote:

In your alternate line (14. ... Rxd4), after 20. Rb8 Qxg5 isn't Black winning?

Yes, yes it is.  


I did find a win for black much earlier in that line though lol

FirebrandX wrote:

I wonder if chesscube ratings are still inflated. When I used to play there, the 2200s were about the same as 1900s here.

I am guessing you never played in the warzone final.  A lot of 1700's will play like masters...Wonder why that could be?


Well people start at 1500 there and 1200 here so it makes sense for the ratings to be 300 points higher.


Not true is 1200 (at least when I started there).  Unfortunately I can't get to chesscube atm, for some reason, to confirm.  

Anyone else having that problem now?


Don't argue if you don't know. I started at 1500 like 2 weeks ago.


I know I started at 1200...So don't argue if you don' t pay attention


You said not true, and it is true. People do start at 1500 there. So I'm free to argue. What you (think you) started at is irrelevant to say 'it is', maybe 'it was' would be relevant. I'm paying perfect attention thanks, don't try to be clever when you incorrectly argued against my fact.


Yeah I think it's about 300 points, I'm 1800 here 2100 there in blitz.

Scottrf wrote:

You said not true, and it is true. People do start at 1500 there. So I'm free to argue. What you (think you) started at is irrelevant to say 'it is', maybe 'it was' would be relevant. I'm paying perfect attention thanks, don't try to be clever when you incorrectly argued against my fact.

NOt true again..So quit trying to be patronizing]

FirebrandX wrote:

It was a good year ago when I played there. I won quite a few blitz tournaments, but I hated the bullet ones because I'd never win fast enough to score the most points by the deadline.

But anyway, the ratings were terribly inflated. I found I could beat players rated as high as 2400 in blitz there, which is something I can't do here.

Okay, I wouldn't be able to say anything about the blitz.  I only play in the 2 min tournys


I hate their terrible customer service and will NEVER pay a penny over there.  But, the 2 min tournaments are fun to try out new opening ideas.