
A crushing loss . . .


I played a best 2 out of 3 otb today with a guy i know from the park.

We each won a game and we came to the tie breaker.

He played some odd "hyper modern" early queenside finachetto with the white pieces and I responded with a Dutch Lenningrad. The opening went so well for me that I had the game WON WITHOUT QUESTION - until i got careless, mind you with PLENTY of time left on the clock (5 min blitz games), and hung my queen. Just a simple rookie careless oversight. As bad as you can imagine. . .

I have been working hard on my game lately. And this guy is pretty good. It would have been a great 2 out of 3 win for me and i BLEW it BIGTIME!!!!!!!!

I'm so disapointed that I just needed to vent.




Sorry Ted

Go on to work on your chess and next time for him will be harder to beat you. And do not forget that you won a game!


Time is the best healer.


you hung your queen???????it happens buds...the worst way to lose is by blundering because i feel i cant learn anything from the game if i blundered something (probably incorrect )