
Bishop or Knight?


Anybody have an opinion on which piece they think is stronger?






It honestly depends on the situation. They’re probably equal. The knight is good at positioning while the bishop goes from a priest to a sniper.


I choose knight, Here are some of my reasons: 

1. Bishop only goes on one color

2. Knight can jump pieces

3. Knight cannot be blocked from attacks (you have to run or kill)

4. Knight is a lot better at attacking two pieces at once

5. Knight is usually more useful in the opening

6. Knight is the only other option to promote to on pawn promotion besides queen. (queen can move just like the rook and bishop)

7. Knight is a great defending piece.

8. if king stays on one color, bishop can never attack.


The bishop can trap the knight on the side of the board when there are no pawns. However, knights can jump over pieces which is an advantage. Also, knights are better than bishops on outposts.

Well what you need to asking; am I Mohammed Ali or mike Tyson.

On the otherhand....

  1. Bishops can get you from far away, catching many off guard.
  2. Knights can be out maneuvered just by moving one square towards them
  3. easier to checkmate with a bishop rather then a knight in certain, but in most, circumstances
  4.   It is very useful to have both bishops, keeping you on alert to protect your pieces.
  5. If need be, bishops can work as really good shields.
  6. bishops can restrict certain positions, making it hard for the king to get out of the situation.
  7. Bishops can get rooks and also knights

(20) Bishop or Knight? Which Piece is Better and When | Grandmaster Explains - YouTube


“it definitely depends. When you study pawn structure (maybe 1800-ish rating, but usually 1600-ish knows some of it), you'll realize that Bishops and especially the Bishop Pair are dominant in an "open position" but Knights can be dominant in "closed positions."
open or closed refers to the pawn formations and if the pawns are locked up or with lots of freedom to move around
positions with less on the board and more pawn freedom is usually open and closed is usually cramped with pawns locked together”



This is what I ask a new group of juniors before the session.  Once they are split into two camps I ask them to justify their choice. It is all good. In 3 or 4 minutes they have switched their chess brains on and are ready to play/learn.