
Chess as a sport???


Ok now chess base ball would be cute. Back to the chess boxing. Now tell me, you know how you have people who are heavy weight boxers and light boxers, how would you decide who would play the chess part lol? If it was a tag team match up lol.

QueenSithHunter wrote:

Ok now chess base ball would be cute. Back to the chess boxing. Now tell me, you know how you have people who are heavy weight boxers and light boxers, how would you decide who would play the chess part lol? If it was a tag team match up lol.

Easy! Since the Queen and Rook are considered "Heavy" pieces, they are the heavyweights. Since the Knight and Bishop are "Light" (I mostly call them "minor," however) Those are the lightweights.


yes it is a sport you nimrod! not that you are a nimrod in a bad way though! megan11599 friend me! loves chess. wish there was bug house games on here too!

Ядумаю, чтошахматыэтоспортидолженбытьвОлимпийских играх.Людидолжныценюэтостолько, скольконасрусских.

We can throw the King down the field for a TD and kick the Queen for the extra point.

Shoot the Knight or Bishop outside the arc for  3 pts and a jump shot with the King for 2pts. And foul shots with pawn 1 each.


Chess is recognized as a sport by the International Olympic Committee (IOC);[3] since June 1999 FIDE has been the recognized International Sports Federation.[3][4][5][6]As a member of the IOC, FIDE adheres to its rules, including, controversially, a requirement for doping tests.[7][8][9][10] The prospects of chess becoming an Olympic sporting event at some future date remain unclear. The use of the name "Chess Olympiad" for FIDE's team championship is of historical origin and implies no connection with the Olympic Games.

wiki entry




I'm a bit surprised the recent chessbase article arguing about chess as a sport hasn't been mentioned here. 

Here's a link to Vik Hansen's story:

But again, "sport" is defined culturally. While English speaking people have one definition of sport, that does not carry over exactly to other cultures. 

In eastern European nations, chess is covered as a sport on TV and in newspapers. In the US, if chess gets mentioned, it's usually as a lifestyle or special interest story. It's rare that a chess player is considered as an athlete in the popular media. Kramnik was voted as one of the top athletes of 2000 by Time magazine, but that was an exception to the general trend.


In eastern European nations, chess is covered as a sport on TV and in newspapers. Which?


RT, for one.


All we is the steroids and we are a major sport.