

Hi everybody. Wondering about my opponents clock. It didnt count down, even thou i had the advantage? Im new at this place.
Regards, Bernard

Are you saying they were cheating the clock?


Nobody is cheating. It's your internet connection.


What do you mean you had the advantage? 


Lag cheating, freaking bastards, welcome to!

Only my clock was counting down. I play 10 min games. I had the advantage in terms of pieces but ran out of time.
My opponents clock didnt go under 60 sec while mine did. A friend of mine said you could get seconds added depending on how fast you move? I moved as fast as my opponent but still ran out of time? Just wondering and thanks for the replies.
Regards, Bernard
It happened again. My internet is Good! My opponents clock added a couple of sec for every move he made. We played just as fast. When i had 7 min left he had 9?
If you're playing the mode where it's like 5 plus 5 seconds or whatever it is you should be getting time added on too after every move.

Wow!!!  I just filed a report to support on my opponents clock actually increasing!! I would watch it... 6.7,  no its 7.4; 6.2 no its 6.7; 5.6 no it's 6.4 ...  Time is time and seeing the clock increase is a major distraction.   I actually lost a game with under 40 seconds left for myself and my opponent had less than 10 seconds.  We had two pawns stacked up and our kings, I had position. and just needed to shadow him to a corner.  I got down to 8 seconds and my opponent was still at 6.3.  It was a very dumb and an unrealistic situation.  This is not first time either.  I've experienced it maybe a dozen times now.  Like I said.. Major distraction. 


 If you guys could give more detail about what's happening, the rest of us might understand what you are having problems with.  What are the time controls?  Any increments?

A couple games ago I got down to less than 10 seconds at least twice, but had about 3 min. on the clock after a 112 move game.  That's because 10 seconds were added to the clock after each move and I had a fairly easily endgame after about 90 moves but I played it very deliberately and sure.


Hey Doc, I am referring to basic Blitz games.  Time being added to the opponent's game clock when it falls under the last ten seconds and it may happen a dozen or more times within that 10 seconds. That's just not right.  People are losing games who have a minute advantage over their opponent and their opponent has maybe less than 15 seconds on their game clock.  The game clock seems to be adding time for the opponent once the ten second mark is hit and the game clock goes to tenths of a second.  It's a bummer and completely bogus.   




This is how I implemented my game clock in my chess app which uses Bluetooth (low latency).  I wouldn't recommend something like this for the Internet because it is way too easy to cheat, but then again, internet chess isn't really worth cheating since you are only cheating yourself.



oh, for my app,  I don't ever let the clock increase.  If the actual remaining time is more than the displayed time, the clock just counts down slower until the times catch up (e.g. instead of ticking on the second, it might tick on the 1.1 second.  Humans cannot tell the difference).  This works great for low latency networks like BT but wouldn't work well for Internet.