
Colorful chess terms


Apologies if this has been asked before, but I am starting to compile a list of more or less obscure but memorable words and phrases used to describe positions and tactics that occur in chess games.

Here are a few:

"pigs on the seventh" - two rooks on the 7th rank, so-called because of their potential greedy gobbling of material there

"knight pirouette" - Nf3-d2-c4 in the Benoni

"poisoned pawn"

"octopus knight" - in Karpov vs Kasparov, WC match 16th game, Moscow 1985

"the fork trick" - well known trap in the opening, in which a knight is sacrificed for a centre pawn allowing a fork of two pieces (knight and bishop) if the opponent retakes with his knight


What others am I missing? Lots, I hope!