


While I've seen a few games involving the Hallowe'en Attack, I'd never played it before as either Black or White.  A few minutes ago, I was on the black side of this opening and I really had no idea how to proceed after the book moves: 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Nxe5 Nxe5 5. d4.  But I did know I was on the wrong side of a voracious attack with no idea what my plan should be or what the underlying tactics might be.  So, I figured I'd try to hold onto as much material as I could and concentrate on defending until I could figure out how to counterattack.   I doubt my moves were the best, or even particularly good, but they were all I could come up with in the time contraint of 5/0.  I think my opponent played well, but he ended up resigning.


Thanks.  I really think I had to have missed a lot. But all's well that ends well, particularly in blitz.


White generally tries to gain some space where as black tries not to loose to much tempo, I think that black has a decent game after giving the material back, or allowing a trade with some simple developing move

I know, sounds counterintuitive not to take the material, but it is alot safer than letting your opponent run you over.


Well, I retreated my Knight to g6 because I didn't like the look of that center pawn roller attacking both Knights after ...Nc6.  I was prepared to give back mat'l if necessary, but ONLY if necessary :-D



white have to put pawns


After 5.d4, I'd prefer 5...Ng6 like in the game. Then after 6.e5, the immediate 6...Ng8 may look odd, but Black seems ok to me. I wouldn't even think of giving back any material.

greg135 wrote:

Is this a chesscube tournament game?

Nope, just a blitz game.

Estragon wrote:

White should have played 19 Qa5+ I think.  But if you just played simply 10 ...dxe5  11 0-0 Bd6  12 g3 N8e7 you are a piece up with possibilities of an attack.

19. Qa5+!  would probably caused me to trade Queens with 19...Qb6, but if 20 Qg5+, the I guess 20...Nf6.


"10 ...dxe5  11 0-0 Bd6  12 g3 N8e" 
Do you mean 9...dxe5?  10...dxe is impossible.
but if 9...dxe5, then 10. Nxe5  looks pretty unpleasant for Black.


Thanks for warning me about that attack!


This game demonstrates what can happen if Black is too reaction based in choosing his moves, for example Rb8 was a mistake, as was N8e7 right after it


I was thinking this is the critical line:


Bd3 was better as it chases the knight more