
I love studying endgames! (It's making me stop play...)


I've been on a serious endgame study kick lately. I've only sporadically studied endgames and very inconsistenly in the past, but I started to do it more seriously as of late, as I got 2 good books (Fundamental Chess Endings - Lamprecht/Muller Nunn's Essential Chess Endings) and am starting to play them out against the computer whenever possible. 


It's obviously going to take me like forever to learn most/all of these endgames, but I'm finding I enjoy studying them more than playing (blitz!) I think it's something about the concrete and permanent things you learn when both studying and drilling against the computer that makes it satisfying. I have to admit that learning the KBN vs K mating endgame was one of the most satisfying chess things I've done (I thought I'd hate it, but it's as fun as a game playing it against the computer once you learn it!)


I don't expect to get any ratings bump from this study for a long time, if ever, as even now, I don't seem to lose a whole lot of blitz games in the endgame - my games seem to be won/lost a lot earlier than that, and the few I get down to true endgames I seem to have been handling decently enough. 


But if you're getting stale in chess playing/studying, might be worth checking out some serious endgame study - it's good stuff. 


I will also add that those two books I mentioned above are HARD, in my opinion. But not hard like unrealistic - I think they're hard because endgames can be hard, aside from the most basic ones. Some of the rook endgames with pawns have many not-obvious 'only move' positions where if you miss it, you go from won to drawn/lost instantly. There is no way I can study these endgames in my head - gotta play 'em out on a board/computer (after I learn then, I can sort of see most of it in the book alone.)