
Is there any chance that a 1300 rated player can beat a 2700 rated player?


I don't see why it should be closed. There's nothing wrong with nobody posting on it for a long period of time, but if someone does want to post here I don't see why they should be restricted.


Yes indeed -- Freedom to Post, mindlessly (or not).

It's a God-given right, on the interweb at least.

hessmaster wrote:
SmyslovFan wrote:

All the threads that get closed around here for no apparent reason, and this one is still alive and well?  

Well...there is How Fast Can You Get This Forum Locked, and its alive and well and has almost 3000 posts and has been around for a long time.

3000?  How does that compare to (ex?)Daeth's?

SmyslovFan wrote:

All the threads that get closed around here for no apparent reason, and this one is still alive and well? sentiments exactly.

Elubas wrote:

I don't see why it should be closed.

I don't think that's exactly the point that Smitty was trying to make... Wink


Actually even if your are such a player, and if you get a win against a 2700 when you were 1300, you become a Radjabov, or even better, which is exceptionally rare.

cookiemonster161140 wrote:

Don't have time to read all 49 pages but at tournaments I have seen 1600 players beat 2200 players, 1800 players beat 2300 players and I know an A-class player who drew with a GM once.

Consistently play at that level, well DUH not likely - otherwise they wouldn't have such low ratings!

But you have to remember that there are several types of lower rated players. Those that are moving up, those who are stable, and those who are over rated.

My nephew once lost a game to Nakamura...N's rating at the time was about 1300.

Their nephew's was 557...  :-p


Which type of chess are you talking about? I only play online chess and would suggest to you that playing that format, the answer would be -

No chance.


Holy mackerel. I didn't know this thread was still around.


There's a chance if the 1300 is actually a master-level player who is simply underrated.

But otherwise, the chance is very slim to none.



a lower rated player can beat a higher rated player i am a 1260 rated ..and ive beaten a 1800 rated player at the time iwas rated lower than i am now ..ok you can argue fluke..its possible but chess is about a degree of skill..., luck,...and how you play on the day..yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh chess rulesCool


There is hope.

You play a man called B. Ivanov who is 2700. He loses the connection to his chess computer.


It takes a lot of work to go from master to grandmaster, and those over 2700 snack on ordinary grandmasters. There is no way that an underrated but highly skilled player at 1300 is in the class of those who can upset the world's elite (top 50).


I'll take a 2700 any day, but I would have no chance.


I do not believe it is possible. Thats like getting Vishy Anand to play me.... He could easily beat me while multiple pieces down. He could make several blunders and still win easily.


no they have no chance, unless the 1300 is a trolling GM


hahah all the comments saying no make me laugh because yes, it is very unlikely but is not impossible 


Those who harbor hope for the 1300 have no understanding of the skill level of a 1300. I win 95% of my games against 1300s, and would lose a higher percentage to 2700s if I played them.


Don't have time to read all 49 pages but at tournaments I have seen 1600 players beat 2200 players, 1800 players beat 2300 players and I know an A-class player who drew with a GM once.

Consistently play at that level, well DUH not likely - otherwise they wouldn't have such low ratings!

But you have to remember that there are several types of lower rated players. Those that are moving up, those who are stable, and those who are over rated.

My nephew once lost a game to Nakamura...N's rating at the time was about 1300.


Talk about swiss gambit!