
New :) advices plz


So i'm new player i won 2/10 matches , so any advices to master this game :)) ? like should i play everyday ?


Do tactics.


Much faster if you go on good and type in "How to be a good chess player". You get much faster responses.


And, I forgot to mention, watch Youtube chess videos - they improved me greatly, despite I was watching them for entertainment only.

Billion_Tactics_Boy wrote:

Study! Thats the main part. Study tactics for around 30 minutes per day and look into the london system (great opening which gives you greate pawn structure, king safety and rapid developement) Once you really start to improve start preparing for OTB tournaments. Study basic opening princaples as well.


Hope this helps :)

Unfortunately, I have to disagree (respectfully about pretty much all of this). Firstly, play in OTB tournaments right away after a short period of study; the only real improvement is found in OTB (only place to get "officially rated"), so you might as well be comfortable there. While you are still a beginner you are recommend that you always start out with the move 1.e4 until you are at least intermediate level (1600+ OTB) because 1.e4 leads to more tactical open games, which will help you to follow (and get punished if you ignore) the general opening principles. A basic positional understanding of chess comes first in my opinion (at least that's how I learned it). The most basic tactics will do.

"Study basic opening principles"; Still better than studying theory. Still, openings will be easier once you have a good positional understanding of chess.