
Post your most embarrassing games here


I've got several, but one in recent memory was when I played in a tournament last year. I was 3 pawns up on an expert when I hit the 5 minute mark and I managed to lose! Embarassed

Another 'instructive' gem from my youth that told on my lack of endgame knowledge:

 I resigned here, but white actually blundered. 1...Kc8! leads to a draw


You guys have nothing on me.

This is a real 30|0 game I played embarrassingly recently.

Unfortunately I played it more than a month ago, so I don't have the PGN in my archives.


it's just a pawn, don't resign so quickly. :)


I believe I can be a prolific contributor to this thread...

Missing a clear advantage or even mate early in the game is a very common motif in my game history. Here's a game I played yesterday (15|10 time controls):

I have many more entertaining (and frustrating) games.


Another just in.


I like to experiment with unusual openings.  But unusual openings are unusual for a reason -- mainly because they're somewhat unsound.  In this case, my attempt to play the black side of the "Balogh Gambit" (1.e4 d6 2.d4 f5) went terribly wrong.  My opponent and I both followed "theory" (an old article from for the first 4 moves.  Clearly my 5th move was not good enough, since I failed to prevent white's strong move 6.Ng5.  Being the exchange and a pawn down against a solid player, and far behind in development, I so no reason to continue the game.  On the bright side, my king did enjoy a nice walk ...


A lesson on how to checkmate yourself.

5 mins blitz.

My endgame skills have improved markedly from just two months ago. This game shows just how bad I was.


Once in a while, I'll play a game that makes me wonder about whether my endgame has improved at all. Still manage to throw away victories like a retard. 15|10 time control.