
Promoting pawns when you are ahead in material...Rude?


What is achieved by playing on here? It's nothing to do with learning from the winning technique because it takes none.


I hate it when they spam draw requests.  The last time this happened my opponent gave me a free knight in the first few turns, so for the next 20 or so I had to deal with a few draw offers a turn.

Any ways, about the pawn promotion, I always see it as their inability to checkmate.  Like this sort of thing:

Most like the person playing black made a stupid mistake earlier and dropped a piece, but missing the checkmate(s) seems to be far worse.


I should have specified, as I usually do, that I was talking about live chess games. In correspondence chess, resign when you no longer have any chances to swindle.

Even that bit of knowledge requires some skill tho. A +1500 in correspondence should be able to figure it out. If not, find the absolute fastest way to mate the person and then make sure you don't play them again.


In case anyone is wondering such things don't happen in otb tournament chess. only in internet blitz/bullet. 

JacksofClubs stem

In case anyone is wondering such things don't happen in otb tournament chess. only in internet blitz/bullet. 

it happens also OTB.


its only rude of the part that isnt resigning. you cant refuse to resign a lost position insisting on seeing the game continue AND complain about the game continuing.

Scottrf wrote:

What is achieved by playing on here? It's nothing to do with learning from the winning technique because it takes none.


I don't want to turn this into another "Why won't they resign?" thread, but there's absolutely no reason to not resign if you've got a lone king against king + rooks.  Not really any need to promote another rook, either, but to each his own.


Probably, and there wont be any need to promote the 4th rook either, but it's prettier.


not rude to avoid resigning, not rude to promote a tenth knight or bishop


My favorite online scenario is a game where I had about 10 minutes left, he had 25 or so, wouldn't resign.  He had just a King, I had a Knight and 4 unstoppable pawns.  I promoted all 4 pawns to Knight and mated with King and 5 Knights vs Loan King!  If he doesn't want to resign, I see no problem with piling it on!  Smile


Loan king is a funny way to relate to the situation - if he doesn't resign, then the fact that he still has a king is just a loan from you until you decide that it's time to mate the guy..


it's not rude, dude


well, maybe it would be mre proper to just promote them to Rooks or Knights.


If the game's reached that stage, not resigning is rude.

If the defender is that far behind, and refuses to resign, just to annoy his opponent, what rude behavior would he not deserve??


How on earth can it be rude? This is a battle, do you think that Wellington was wrong to accept the Austrians help at Waterloo?

Can you not think of anything better to put on the forum?


It's true, it sometimes happens over the board that a person won't resign.

Nigel Short's solution was to start taking up huge amounts of time and act like he's thinking really hard. A bunch of people would come over and start watching the game. Even the densest of people eventually get the message and resign.

If you refuse to resign, you should have to explain why you didn't resign in the analysis room after the game. Or at least listen to your opponent while he enumerates every possible way he could have checkmated you.

In correspondence chess, at least there's conditional moves that are available for the obvious continuations.


Promote to 5 knights and checkmate him that way.


I heard of someone else's (who by the way? A well known GM but I forget the name...) way of dealing with it - similar to Nigel Short's but with a twist...

He would do it with simuls of course against someone like 1600 points below him or something... he would look intently at the board, concentrate deeply - then raise his head, and ask his opponent in the sweetest, most innocent voice - with true interest - "but where are all of your pieces?"


The situation certainly has comedy potential - the non-resigning opponent. 

This reminds me of a tournament in Israel, a round robin with 10 guys - four of us rated 1850 or so, six more 1600ish and under. 

So on rounds when the four of us were not playing each other (all of us good friends - one later became FM with IM aspirations, the other three, well we're still trying...) it felt like 'another day at the job' - like we came to stamp a card and sit it out until the guy cries uncle. 

One of these rounds, I have a more comfortable game with some material advantage, two of my peers are also doing nicely, but one player has his opponent in an OP kind of a situation - the opponent, an 1550 or something, is in a position with queens, it is true, but minus a rook, a couple minor pieces and a small herd of pawns...

the guy sits there, with a serious, pondersome expression, VEEEERRRRRRY carefully considering his every move - and my friend, well, sits there patiently, answering move by move. You kind of ask yourself, what is this 1550 guy (quite a nice guy actually) actually playing for? And of course the entire '1850 club' is well aware of the situation, exchanging glances of light ridicule, waiting for the piece-less player to draw the inevitable conclusion... but in vain.

The word for "draw" in Hebrew is "Teiko". Tea is pronunced "Tei" - almost the same word, minus a syllable. 

The tournament room had, as is pretty prevalent, a hot water container with teabags and some coffee, cookies etc.

At a certain point my friend gets up with a gesture of finality and asks his opponent in a very kind tone - "Do you want a Tei"? We were just floored with laughter, and of course the story keeps circulating - here's the evidence. 


The fastest way to win if the losing side won't resign is to use an extra queen. It's not easy task to mate when you are ahead by a bishop or rook only.