
Tactics growth


Has anyone else struggled with Tactics growth for a period of over a month at the same rating to just all of a sudden explode and climb climb climb?  I just recently was hovering at 800 for I swear 6 weeks, now I sit at 1300.  I don't know what changed...


Yeah, that's always the way.   My tactics trainer isn't working today and I don't know why


Same thing happens to me. The TT trainer on this site seems less stable than on chesstempo. The volatility lends itself to scoring swings that don't accurately reflect skill level.


A tactics rating of 800 means you usually miss capturing undefended pieces. That's not even tactics, it's just knowing how the pieces move and having eyeballs that function.

Climbing to 1300 means you actually learned some tactics, good job.

Gaining 500 points is easy in the beginning, but not so easy later. Stuck for 1 month? That's normal. Chess isn't so easy that people improve every month they play.


@stiggling, yeah It seemed to just not recognise patterns very well with pieces/trying too hard almost blinding myself.

Im terrible at tactics T~T

I too am very bad at tactics