
The douche defense


Are women better than men at chess ?

How do we get more women to play ?

Is Carlsen as good as Fischer ?

All good questions.

But the only question of any real merit is "How do we get less douchebags to play the game ?"


Doesn't it ever get boring creating new trolling accounts that don't fool people for even 5 minutes?  It seems like an annoying process for zero payoff...


Try tickling yourself, the trollitis might die down a bit for you.

Also try not to project your own issues too much on others.

PlentyOToole wrote:

Are women better than men at chess ?

How do we get more women to play ?

Is Carlsen as good as Fischer ?

All good questions.

But the only question of any real merit is "How do we get less douchebags to play the game ?"


1. Ninety eight out of 100 of the top 100 are men...sure why not?


2.Introduce the game to them? 


3.Fischer's peak was 2785 and Carlsen's Peak is the 2880's and has learned from advances since Fischer's day... again sure why not? 


4.You mean fewer douchebags. 





Those are typical forum questions we see regularly.

I don't ask those type of questions Oogie and no I didn't mean fewer douchies, I meant significantly less, like a reduction by 95 percent or more.