
Trying to understand bullet timing??


I was looking for a live chess game and accidentally got myself into a bullet game and was not aware of it. After my lost I noticed it said "time 2/1"  What does that mean I get two moves to make in one minute, and then do I get a whole minute back on my clock?? Like to improve my rating on those games but have no idea how the clock works??


That's 2 minutes to start out with plus 1 extra second for every move you make.


The first figure is the amount of minutes you get for the entire game, the second number is the increment you get after every move made in seconds.

So 2/1 means you get 2 minutes to play the game and an added second after every move.


WOW, thats fast, thanks for the reply, now I can see why even strong player may have a lower rating in this sort of game?


Maybe they're not such strong players after all


heinzie, love your one liners, you can do this for ever and never get tiredCool