
under promotion skills.



Sometimes I'll see puzzles or tactics trainer problems where the answer is a rather nice under promotion. Sadly, I've never actually used this skill in any games until recently.

The game was in live chess - bullet. 2 minutes with 1 second per move. My opponent was some 300 points below me. Because of these factors I don't think it was a great under promotion. Also, it only wins a piece, doesn't force mate or anything. Therefore, on a scale of 1 - 10, I'd only give this a 2.

The main reason for starting this forum was to ask you if you've ever whipped out a bit of under promtion skills in a game. If you have, I'd sure like to see the game.



Hmm pretty there's no questions OR comments beautful game


OK, here is a game against ADK being careful not getting into a stalemate.


Thanks for taking an interest Lucanove.

Tidy moves Kco, great forcing line. What was the time no the game?


Interesting game Maradonna. Cool  If I am not mistaken the situation would have been identical had you promoted to a Queen though, he is still forced to capture it. Smile


Ive only underpromoted once.

AMcHarg wrote:

Interesting game Maradonna.   If I am not mistaken the situation would have been identical had you promoted to a Queen though, he is still forced to capture it. 

 Ha, of course. Strangely I never once thought of that. I've just wanted a cool under promotion - it clearly blinkered me :)

One day I'll get one - and I'll be back. What about yourself?


MRO314, did that happen to you in a game?


You are a classy guy Maradonna, discussing underpromotion.  I think that happened to me in grammar school  once.

Seriously, probably the most famous underpromotion game was one of Emanuel Lasker's.  He was Black in the Albin Counter Gambit.  He played that opening seven times and won all seven games with it.  There is even a "Lasker's Gambit" associated with it.  


The game that I have posted is was turn-based, if it has been a blitz I would have just promoted to a Queen not realizing I would have gone into stalemate easily.