
What type of move/position would you call this?


In this position, the knight could have checked the king with Ng4+ and the rook could also attack the queen. I know there are two terms, discovered check and discovered attack, but this one looks different. There is no piece going out of the way to check. There is a piece getting out of the way to attack the queen. This is the opposite of chessDOTcom/terms/discovered-check-chess and is like a "discovered check (with) attack".

The FEN is 6k1/4Rpp1/p1Q2nrp/1p6/1Pp5/P1N4P/2P2PPK/2q5 b - - 5 29

It’s probably still just a discovered attack, but if you want to be fancy you could call it something like a forced / forcing discovered attack? In that your opponent is checked so has only certain legal moves. Still, most likely just a discovered attack to most people :)

Just a discovered attack, they often come with check like in this example. What you call these tactics matters very little ofc

Alexeivich94 wrote:

What you call these tactics matters very little ofc

Thanks d0uchebag.

evenrow wrote:

maybe call it knight hopscotch because that is when a knight moves to a square of an opposite color

I thought emphasis should be more in the direction of mating, and checking next. So, in my mind "check" should come first. That's why I added the "with" in the original post. It could be something like "check with a discovered attack".


i would call it a check and chomp on hanging piece

HangingPiecesChomper wrote:

i would call it a check and chomp on hanging piece

Is it really hanging? I thought hanging meant you can't take the piece that took.




yeah, nothing can capture the rook taking the queen on the next turn. so a check and chomp on hanging piece.

HangingPiecesChomper wrote:

yeah, nothing can capture the rook taking the queen on the next turn. so a check and chomp on hanging piece.

Ok, I should have looked at my own post, evil. I thought there was a black pawn on b7.