


when playing a 1200 plus player do they blunder alot  my point is when iam playing a 1200 and up player  (iam 400)in a 24 hour game once after about move 12 i realize iam going to lose --do to my own missteps and blunders -- so whats the point of going on if a better player 1200 plus types  or is there and what is the percentages (odds) that a player of 1200 plus is going to make a mistake or two so i can get back into the game at least to get to my goal of 30 plus moves -- what are the odds in something like that ??-- or don't they make mistakes enough to have a chance to a least get to 30 moves -- never mind win ----- any retort for me  


when playing a 1200 plus player do they blunder alot my point is when iam playing a 1200 and up player (iam 400)in a 24 hour game once after about move 12 i realize iam going to lose --do to my own missteps and blunders -- so whats the point of going on if a better player 1200 plus types or is there and what is the percentages (odds) that a player of 1200 plus is going to make a mistake or two so i can get back into the game at least to get to my goal of 30 plus moves -- what are the odds in something like that ??-- or don't they make mistakes enough to have a chance to a least get to 30 moves -- never mind win ----- any retort for me

Your chances are not good. However, 1200 players do blunder all the time and if you resign, you'll never get the chance to take advantage of their mistakes.


#2 is right, unless you are playing a master player don't think of your opponent as this unbeatable player because all that does is give you another mental obstacle.


mostly you are right ---from a i got higher than you score type of thinking -- and if i think there is a chance to get to 30 moves i will stay ----i never ever do i expect really to win in the 24 hour games i will stay - but what i want to know is what percentage do make more than one mistake that will let me back in the game 10% 20 % 30 % of players 1200 and up types or is it less ? thanks for the input


ya pretty much


when playing a 1200 plus player do they blunder alot my point is when iam playing a 1200 and up player (iam 400)in a 24 hour game once after about move 12 i realize iam going to lose --do to my own missteps and blunders -- so whats the point of going on if a better player 1200 plus types or is there and what is the percentages (odds) that a player of 1200 plus is going to make a mistake or two so i can get back into the game at least to get to my goal of 30 plus moves -- what are the odds in something like that ??-- or don't they make mistakes enough to have a chance to a least get to 30 moves -- never mind win ----- any retort for me

The time control 24 Hour per move is quick enough that mistakes are possible if your opponent has many games going at once. They might be placing the same level of focus into the game as if they are playing blitz.

If you are continuing with the mentality of playing hope chess, you are wasting your time. Be proactive and create the conditions that will get you back into the game.


what is hope chess -- please explain what that means ??? thanks


can i help you


Hope chess is hoping your opponent will make some mistakes like hanging pieces, leaving pieces to be captured by a skewer, they won't notice you can put their King in check and at the same time expose a Queen or Rook to attack and they can't "uncheck" their King *and* save the endangered piece at the same time. Not that these mistakes *can't* happen; just don't count on it.


thank-you for the input on what hope chess is --- it was informative thanks




everyone blunders. especially 1200s tongue.png


ok thanks all


Not really, even around half of the players at 800-900 elo play at 80%-95% accuracy, even as low as 15-40 centipawn loss which indicates almost errorless games.