c8=R Kxa6 Ra8#

If I was black in this position, my opponent would 100% promote to a queen and wonder why it's a draw. And I would laugh. Furthermore, I noticed the trick immediately when I looked at it, so no one can call me a hypocrite.
I had a game a few days ago where my opponent stalemated with a queen promotion. To add insult to injury, promoting the pawn to a knight would have been checkmate, and there were two other completely different moves that were also checkmate. They just felt like showing off, and look where it got them.
Being firmly stuck at 800 Elo comes with its perks: you get to experience funny moments like that.

If I was black in this position, my opponent would 100% promote to a queen and wonder why it's a draw. And I would laugh. Furthermore, I noticed the trick immediately when I looked at it, so no one can call me a hypocrite.
I had a game a few days ago where my opponent stalemated with a queen promotion. To add insult to injury, promoting the pawn to a knight would have been checkmate, and there were two other completely different moves that were also checkmate. They just felt like showing off, and look where it got them.
Being firmly stuck at 800 Elo comes with its perks: you get to experience funny moments like that.
Well, tactics like underpromotion and stalemate tricks should be easily noticeable to an 800 who knows a bit about chess and thinks about their moves, unless it was time pressure, I see no reason as to why they would not see this unless they got cocky and played too fast/didn't take time to look at their moves/stopped caring about the position after being completely winning.